Maximum Collections Accurate coding quality assurance by our Reimbursement specialist’s means claims are submitted correctly the first time.
Ongoing Follow‑Up Accounts are followed until payment is received. Special internal reports alert Reimbursement Specialists and Management when follow‑up is required.
Electronic Claims Submission Fewer rejects, faster payment.
Improved Cash Flow Charges processed and claims filed generally within 48 hours of receipt.
Lower Administrative Expense Clients eliminate costly turnover and training of personnel while lowering expenses for computers, software, maintenance, telephones, forms, and postage.
Improved Patient Relations Claims are paid faster and billing problems are resolved quickly by highly trained Reimbursement Specialists, resulting in happier patients.
Superlative Client Services Accessibility of our Management Team ensure our Client's needs are met immediately.
Improve Information Management Extensive monthly reporting permits physicians and/or administrators to fully analyze their practice/business.
Regulatory Compliance Reimbursement Specialists keep abreast of the ever‑changing climate of regulatory compliance. Clients are advised of industry and governmental policy changes quickly, to minimize adverse impact.
Optimal Fee Basis Billing fees are based on payments received, meaning maximum collection incentive for us and no expense for you until the money is in the bank.